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P r o f i l e


“submission” to say in English means “surrender, obedience”, but I decide to give up in suppression and a choke of judo and the wrestling and am originally used (*. But) which is recognized as “a submission = joint lock” widely in Japan.

麻生秀孝 Hidetaka Aso

国際サブミッションアーツレスリング連盟(S.A.W.) 創始師範(  9段)

国際武道柔術連盟                   創始者 (10段)
















 それから約15 年、埼玉県朝霞市で仲間を集めて技研を繰り返した。1986年、この積み上げてきた格闘技に「サブミッション・アーツ」というネーミングをつけた。この意味は読んで字のごとく“関節技の芸術”ということになる。マスコミにも取り上げられるる機会が多くなり、道場生も増えてきた。世の中でもサブミッション・アーツの名前が広まるに従って、それがいったいどんな競技なのかといった声が多くなってきた。

 そこで私は、なにか柱を持った競技にしなければならないと思い、1987年1 月に「サブミッション・アーツ・レスリング(S.A.W.)」と命名、武道精神を持ったレスリング競技を確立することになった。



「先体力 後技術(まずたいりょく のちぎじゅつ)」これはどのようなスポーツ・格闘技をするにしても先ずは体力が一番、この体力の土台があれば、後に技術は磨かれるということ。もうひとつは「必技極(ひつぎきょく)」。


Submission life

     The beginning of my life as a submission technique instructor started the summer of eleventh grade. My friend who had been in the judo club since the first year of high school earned his black belt in under two years. I wanted to be a black belt holder too, so I joined the club in the middle of July of my second year of high school, a whole year and a half later than the other members.

     A week after joining I participated in the promotion examination in Kure city, Hiroshima where I won five matches and secured my status as a black belt holder. A year later in the summer of my last year of high school I became a 2nd degree black belt holder and I decided to follow the path of judo for the rest of my life. In university I continued to practice judo in addition to being an active member of the society group. SAMBO and wrestling were recommended to me by the judo instructor of the Self Defense Force Physical Training School, so I entered the Shinjuku Sambo Academy at the age of 21 years old in 1971.

     It was here that I had my first contact with the joint technique. Of course judo also has the joint technique. However, the variation has much more sambo(in the past judo also had a stab and the joint lock of the foot). I adored the charm and power of the joint technique and there after I devoted myself to the art of sambo and participated in many international meetings and world championships.

     I continued to compete in national wrestling championships and participate in national society events while endeavoring to create an original joint technique. I tried many things and came up with many interesting submission hold techniques which I gave original names. Looking back this was the beginning of my role as founder.

     For the next 15 years my fellows and I practiced and experimented over and over until developing a martial art which we named “Submission Arts” in 1986. From Japanese it can be translated as “The Art of Joint Hold”. We received a lot of attention from the media which attracted an unprecedented number of new members. Submission Arts was also becoming known around the world and gathering much attention. In January 1987 I decided to change the name to “Submission Arts Wrestling”(S.A.W.) and established it as a kind of competitive wrestling with the spirit of Budo.

     A joint is not just a part that connects bone to bone, but also connects a person to another person.Through S.A.W. I met and became friends with people from all walks of life. I hope that submission technique will bring people together and inspire happiness around the world.


Finally, let me introduce two words I created from training.

“First power, then technique”

No matter what kind of sport or martial art it is, physical strength comes first. With this base of physical strength, technique will be polished later.

Another word is “HITSUGIKYOKU”.

When you are young, you must perfect your techniques and win matches. As time goes by you continue your training, I want to ensure that you perfect your techniques, so I wish to pass these words on to people of the future.

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